Will Prowse

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Will Prowse is a very inspirational, enthusiastic, honest young man who runs a very popular YouTube channel on the subject of solar power, the associated lithium batteries and everything else associated with this…

His channel has nearly 600,000 subscribers, his videos and honest evaluations and opinions are very popular and earn him a lot of money !!

He is a man who has overcome a toxic early family environment, medical problems and being homeless… Please SUBSCRIBE to his channel!

Will Prowse’s main YouTube page…    594K subscribers

Will Prowse’s Medical Problems    This is part of what this man had to overcome…

The real reason I live in an RV    163,314 views   16 Aug 2016

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Thanks to this channel, I am not living on the streets anymore    150,097 views   22 Jun 2020

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“Now I’m saving up for a second house for my sister and my mom, here in Henderson, Nevada. I love it here! I should have left California ages ago. This town has less crime than any town I lived in when I was in California. And unlimited sunshine. It feels like heaven :)”

“I paid 34k every month for 10 months to pay off this house. The rest has gone to taxes, tesla and business expenses. I do not like holding on to cash, and I will put every dollar toward a property or my business for the next few years. There is nothing that I want to buy anymore”

“And living in vehicles wasn’t that bad when I had solar power and my last RV, but when I was disabled and living in a RV that was falling apart, it was a really tough time. The nerve disease was the hardest part of my past. Most hardships can be overcome with hard work, but the nerve disease couldn’t be. It was relentless and made life a living hell. I was very lucky to get rid of that disease. A lot of time has gone by and I’m grateful to not be in so much pain”

I bought my first home! Time to build a real workshop. No more RV living for me
64,171 views   27 Aug 2019

(Edited)    Right-Click on the video image to display a number of options… 1

How I make money with these videos (and why I do not need traditional sponsors)
172,127 views   8 Jan 2020

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Fortune LiFePO4 Battery Cells - I love them !!

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You must use a good Battery Management System (“BMS”)

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And all the cells need to be “balanced” initially…

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•  Updated: 16th April 2023 by David Husband  •  Created: 18th September 2021 by David Husband  •
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