Learning Resources - DNA as a Serial Datastream (of Symbols & Tokens)

What is Data?

     Right-Click on the video image to display a number of options… 1

What is Serial Data?

Serial Data formats - ASCII

     Right-Click on the video image to display a number of options… [^4]

     Right-Click on the video image to display a number of options… [^4]

     Right-Click on the video image to display a number of options… [^4]

     Right-Click on the video image to display a number of options… [^4]

Serial Data over hardware

     Right-Click on the video image to display a number of options… 1

     Right-Click on the video image to display a number of options… 1

     Right-Click on the video image to display a number of options… 1

     Right-Click on the video image to display a number of options… 1

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“ad auxilium aliis ad auxilium sibi”