The Research Work Streams - Important Note

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Low-level to High-Level

The more astute may have realised that the Research Work Streams start at the lowest level and progressively become higher and higher level… This is fundamentally important to DHRF’s work as the low-level detail must be correct in order for subsequent work to be valid 1

At the moment we are focussing on “Structure” over “Content”

The DNA “content” will be very “implementation dependent”, i.e. biological/molecular and the challenge/task will be to “distil the functionality” out of that… Fun ! Fun ! Fun !

  1. Much the same as the foundations and lower walls, etc, of any building must be correct in order to support the structures that will be placed upon it… 

•  Updated: 25th April 2023 by David Husband  •  Created: 25th April 2023 by David Husband  •
Reviewed: t.b.d. by t.b.d.  •  Status: t.b.d.
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“ad auxilium aliis ad auxilium sibi”