The Double-Helix Research Foundation

A Scientific Journal, a DNA Research-in-Action site and a STEAM+ web learning resource...

DHRF believes that it is pioneering a new branch of Computer Science which DHRF calls Computational Molecular Biology

Or to put it formally:   Computer Science: Computational Molecular Biology

Is Traditional Schooling Broken ?

DHRF suggests that the Traditional School Teaching Model is broken and inappropriate for the needs of the modern world…   Much more on this here:

The DHRF "STEAM+" Learning Resources Site

“STEAM fields are the areas of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics. STEAM is designed to integrate STEM subjects with arts subjects into various relevant education disciplines. These programs aim to teach students innovation, to think critically, and use engineering or technology in imaginative designs or creative approaches to real-world problems while building on students’ mathematics and science base. STEAM programs add arts to STEM curriculum by drawing on reasoning and design principles, and encouraging creative solutions…“Wikipedia

“Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is a broad term used to group together these academic disciplines. This term is typically used to address an education policy or curriculum choices in schools. It has implications for workforce development, national security concerns (as a shortage of STEM-educated citizens can reduce effectiveness in this area) and immigration policy”Wikipedia

Here:   STEAM+ Site    Important Note: The site is still “under construction” and some links will be broken…

We need YOUR help !!

Right now, DHRF needs a very small amount of support in the form of some very modest sponsorship (for a few months) and donations…  

DHRF also urgently needs some “Volunteers” for our STEAM+ efforts

Watch this space and please join our great adventure !!

DHRF believes that it is pioneering a new way of conducting Scientific Research which is Inclusive, Dynamic and Interactive...

Which we call "Research-in-Action"

The “Research Work Streams” part of this web site is intended to be a “live” and on-going Scientific Journal (“Scientific Publication”) where scientific research can be seen going on, in strict compliance with the “Scientific Method”    DHRF believes this has never been done before in this manner…

That darn DNA serial datastream again !!

We know from experience that the merest mention of “DNA” seems to cause the mental equivalent of an “Iron Curtain” to descend

“Oh that is far too complicated for me to understand…“    We do not believe that is the case…
(This is an example of “self-defeating thinking”)

We believe the DNA serial Datastream we are currently researching and documenting “is actually very simple in essence” !!

In Research Work Stream 02, DHRF presents 4 Case Studies that clearly demonstrate relatively simple serial datastreams (including the DNA serial datastream) that DH/DHRF believes are functionally equivalent and yet are very different in their implementation…

The non-profit Double-Helix Research Foundation is structured and registered as a “Charitable Foundation” and its objects are:

Primary: “To advance the public knowledge and understanding of the low-level operation of the DNA Double Helix, by conducting multidisciplinary research involving software engineers, mathematicians, biologists and other professional disciplines and associated activities”

Secondary: “To provide and maintain educational Internet Websites containing a variety of ‘learning-by-experience’ materials, etc, in order to encourage, enable and assist those who wish to teach themselves, with an emphasis on those who may be disadvantaged and/or gifted, and associated activities”

•  Updated: 8th June 2023 by David Husband  •  Created: 14th April 2021 by David Husband  •
Reviewed: t.b.d. by t.b.d.  •  Status: Provisional Release
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“ad auxilium aliis ad auxilium sibi”