DHRF - How does "Research in Action" work...

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DHRF.NET is an online “Research-in-Action” Scientific Journal

The traditional model of Scientific Research is that an exclusive group of researchers (normally part of a University) beavers away doing its research in private (between themselves) and then writes a Scientific Paper

Only the end result of the scientific work is then published in a Scientific Journal1

DHRF believes it is pioneering a “New Model” of Inclusive & Dynamic Scientific Research…

Where each DHRF Research Work Stream represents an interactive research process based upon the procedure of the Scientific Method 2

A very good example of this is Research Work Stream 01 - The Structure of DNA 3 where:

  • Abstraction#1, Abstraction#2 & Abstraction#3 focus upon the physical implemention of the DNA molecule to provide context for the functionality discussions
  • After Abstraction#3 of RWS01, GD Rule (a)(1)&(2) is invoked
  • Within Abstraction#4 a Descriptive Observation#2 is made: RWS01/DO-0002 (“The ‘DNA Double Helix’ is essentially a complex Double Complimentary Linked-List”) along with a link to the discussion of that particular observation…
  • There is a lot going on within Abstraction#5:
   • Descriptive Observation#3 (“The use of complementary base-pairs is a simple parity mechanism”) is made:
    RWS01/DO-0003 along with a link to the discussion of that particular observation…
   • Descriptive Observation#4 (“DNA Base Pairs as a 4-Symbol Set”) is made:
    RWS01/DO-0004 along with a link to the discussion of that particular observation…
   • Descriptive Observation#5 (“RNA Base Pairs as a 4-Symbol Set”) is made:
    RWS01/DO-0005 along with a link to the discussion of that particular observation…
   • And finally, two Hypotheses are formulated:
   • Scientific Method Stage 4 - Formulate a Hypothesis#1 is made: RWS01/HY-0001 (“DNA has 4 symbols it can code with. ‘DNA-Quad’ is proposed”) is made, along with a link to the discussion of that particular hypothesis…
   • Scientific Method Stage 4 - Formulate a Hypothesis#2 is made: RWS01/HY-0002 (“RNA has 4 symbols it can code with. ‘RNA-Quad’ is proposed”) is made, along with a link to the discussion of that particular hypothesis…
   • And finally, Abstraction#6 & Abstraction#7 are introduced for completeness and to wrap-up RWS-01…

  1. After the Journal’s own Peer Review Process and this is a slow-moving and therefore a relatively static process… 

  2. One research work stream may follow-on from another; others may be “stand-alone”… 

  3. This Research Work Stream is still at an early stage of the Scientific Method where Observations are being made and Hypotheses being proposed… 

•  Updated: 18th April 2023 by David Husband  •  Created: 16th April 2023 by David Husband  •
Reviewed: t.b.d. by t.b.d.  •  Status: Under Development
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“ad auxilium aliis ad auxilium sibi”