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Learning -> Resources Available, All Work is Subject to DHRF's "GD"

1 Important Note

This is a “Traceability Matrix” in the form of an Index

Traceability is the capability to trace something. In some cases, it is interpreted as the ability to verify the history, location, or application of an item by means of documented recorded identification” Source: Wikipedia

As DHRF is performing on-going work of a scientific nature, various formal milestones occur over time and in various places and so these are tracked here for project management purposes

Scientific Method Workstreams

The topic headings below correspond to the numbered RED markers (and subsequent headers) in Fig 1.2 of the Scientific Method page…

The numbered topic headers and associated text are actually implicit requirements to ensure compliance with the Scientific Method Rules

Index of Descriptive Observations - (1)

RWS00/DO-0001:   DNA (‘the Genome’) is functionally equivalent to ‘Read-only-Memory’ (‘ROM’)Discussion

RWS01/DO-0002:   The ‘DNA Double Helix’ is essentially a complex Double Complimentary Linked-ListDiscussion

RWS01/DO-0003:   The use of complementary base-pairs is a simple parity mechanismDiscussion

RWS01/DO-0004:   DNA Base Pairs as a 4-Symbol SetDiscussion

RWS01/DO-0005:   RNA Bases as a 4-Symbol SetDiscussion

RWS02/DO-0006:   DNA is a serial datastream containing Symbols & Tokens that have meaning & functionality in the molecular biological domain, and is identical functionally to other kinds of data streamsDiscussion

RWS02/DO-0007:   RS-232 Data is a serial datastream containing Symbols & Tokens that have meaning & functionality in the time domain, and is identical functionally to other kinds of data streamsDiscussion

RWS02/DO-0008:   MPT-1327 Data is a serial datastream containing Symbols & Tokens that have meaning & functionality in the time domain, and is identical functionally to other kinds of data streamsDiscussion

RWS02/DO-0009:   Binary Data held in a ‘Read-only-Memory’ is a binary datastream containing Symbols & Tokens that have meaning & functionality in the electronic binary-addressing domain, and is identical functionally to other kinds of data streamsDiscussion

RWS02/DO-0010:   In order for any data stream to be useful, it must have an indexing mechanismDiscussion

“DO-nnnn” = A descriptive observation

Index of Observations that Lead to Questions - (2)

“OQ-nnnn” = An observation that leads to questions

Index of Questions Asked - (3)


Index of Hypotheses - (4)

RWS01/HY-0001:   DNA has 4 symbols it can code with. ‘DNA-Quad’ is proposedDiscussion

RWS01/HY-0002:   RNA has 4 symbols it can code with. ‘RNA-Quad’ is proposedDiscussion

RWS02/HY-0003:   It is very likely that the mechanisms that access the DNA data stream will have similar or identical fuctionality to the mechanisms used by a microprocessor in operationDiscussion

RWS03/HY-0004:   The DNA and the Nucleous that contains the DNA are functionally equivalent to the memory in a ROM and the packaging that contains itDiscussion

RWS03/HY-0005:   The Ribosome is functionally equivalent to Forth’s Virtual MachineDiscussion

RWS03/HY-0006:   RNA is functionally equivalent to the way a datastream containing symbols & tokens is processedDiscussion

Index of Scientific Publications - (5)

Index of Communications with Other Scientists - (6)

Index of Hypotheses Tests - (7)

Index of Hypotheses Revisions - (8)

Index of other "Fitting Theories" - (9)

YES, the work fits into current scientific theories and/or laws…

Index of New Scientific Theories" - (10)

NO, so formulate a new scientific theory…

Index of Closed Research Streams (Resolutions)

Index of DHRF’s Definitions

Index of Challenges

RWS02/MPT1327/CH-0001:   “Where is the ‘MPT-1327 Analogue Trunking Standard’ discussion leading to?”

Requirements/CH-0002a:   “How can Requirements Engineering be applied to the DNA Datastream?”

Jigsaw-Puzzles/CH-0002b:   “What is the connection between Requirements Engineering & solving a Jigsaw Puzzle?”

Reverse Engineering/CH-0002c:   “What is the connection between Challege 2a, Challenge 2b & Reverse Engineering?”

CH-0003: “bjjbmbhvbbv nv”

Glossary of Functional Equivalence (“GFE”)


Glossary of Common Biological Words

  1. In view of DHRF’s commitment to support learning, there is a much higher “learning content” in the Research Work Streams & elsewhere than would otherwise be the case… Please be aware of that 

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“ad auxilium aliis ad auxilium sibi”