Press Releases
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Press Release (Draft) - May 2023
Embargoed until further notice
4 Important Announcements
#1 - DHRF believes that it is pioneering a new branch of Computer Science which DHRF calls Computational Molecular Biology
Or to put it formally: Computer Science: Computational Molecular Biology
David Husband is the self-taught Director and Founder of the Dorset-based “Double-Helix Research Foundation” a.k.a. “DHRF” and by founding and driving DHRF has become an amateur Scientist
David Husband has been researching this subject since before 2015
He had a light-bulb moment on the 17th March 2021 and DHRF came into existence the next day as a direct result…
#2 - DHRF.NET is an online "Research-in-Action" Scientific Journal
We believe that DHRF is also pioneering a new way of conducting Scientific Research which is Inclusive, Dynamic and Interactive...
The traditional model of Scientific Research is that an exclusive group of researchers (normally part of a University) beavers away doing its research in private (between themselves) and then writes a Scientific Paper; only the end result of the scientific work is then published in a Scientific Journal after further ‘peer review’ by the journal - this can take years…
The “Research Work Streams” part of this web site is intended to be a “live” and on-going Scientific Journal (“Scientific Publication”) where scientific research can be seen going on - DHRF believes this has never been done before in this manner…
DHRF works strictly to the “Scientific Method” and is now releasing a number of its early “Research Work Streams” into the public domain…1
These "Research Work Streams" are here
But especially:
Research Work Stream 02 - DNA as a Serial Datastream
Research Work Stream 03 - The Cell (& its “Functional Equivalences”)
Research Work Stream 07 - The Central Dogma of DNA
Research Work Stream 08 - The Codons
Research Work Stream 09 - The Ribosomes
Research Work Stream 10 - Why DNA varies so little between species
In Research Work Streams 02, 03, 06, 07, 08 & 09, DHRF has found some astounding "functional equivalences" between the well-established principles and practices of computing in the human world and between the innermost processes of the living biological cell, which is driven by DNA
2 DHRF has found that these "functional equivalences" were "hiding in plain sight" in standard university biology undergraduate textbooks rather than in DNA research papers...
In Research Work Stream 10, DHRF can explain how and why DNA varies so little between species
#3 - DHRF.NET is an online "STEAM+" Learning Resource
A DHRF idea; it is the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (“STEM”) and Arts (“STEAM”) subjects plus some extra subjects…
#4 - DHRF.NET is implementing a different kind of learning...
This is exactly what DH has been doing for many years !! (Without realising it)
Notes for Editors:
- David is 69-years-old and is a semi-retired professional electronic engineer
- Due to a toxic home environment, David was in the care of Bournemouth Council as a child, with his Grandmother as his legal guardian3
- He is a self-taught electronic engineer, having been pursuing a passion for electronics since he was 10-years-old and a passion for software since the late 1970’s4
- David is also a radio communications expert and has been a licensed radio amateur since 1973
- Following about 7 years of part-time online study while in his 50’s, in 2012, David was awarded a Masters Degree in Software Engineering by The University of Liverpool, part of the Russell Group
- David achieved Masters grades just below “distinction” level…
- David is now studying towards a Ph.d opportunity 5
- David is an expert in threaded code and in particular a type of indirectly threaded code that is used in the legacy/classic FORTH dialect known as fig-FORTH6
- David is an expert in the Forth Virtual Machine and in a data structure called a linked list
- At the moment there are 16 Research Work Streams. David believes that most of the Research Work Streams individually could quite adequately form the basis of a post-graduate’s Masters Dissertation and/or a post-graduate’s Ph.d thesis
So that the DHRF’s work will attract the attention of the relevant section of the scientific community ↩
David’s research efforts are driven by over thirty undergraduate/university biology textbooks by various distinquished authors, and he believes he may have done the equivalent of a masters in biology over the two years… ↩
Due to this toxic home environment, David failed his 11+ but due to “a strange quirk of fate”, he found himself in a top Oxford Grammar school at the start of the 4th Form. By the end of the 4th Form he had 5 or 6 GCE “O-Levels”. He has no “A-Levels” ↩
David characterises this passion as: “I perform Bare Metal Engineering by programming microprocessors & the hardware directly in Machine Code (Assembler) and Forth” ↩
David would like the opportunity to pursue a computer science Ph.d at the University of Oxford - Majoring in “Computational Molecular Biology”; the computer science field he believes he is pioneering… ↩
“FIG” - The worldwide “Forth Interest Group” has been defunct for many years ↩