RWS-06   Genes

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1 Important Note



Where is the Gene?

What is the Gene? And what does it do?

“a gene is a basic unit of heredity and a sequence of nucleotides in DNA that encodes the synthesis of a gene product, either RNA or protein   Source:   Wikipedia

“A gene is the region of DNA that encodes for a specific protein”   Source:   (Ahern 2019, p. 250)

“A gene is a repository of information. That is, it holds the information for making one of the key molecules of life, an RNA. The sequence of bases in the RNA depends directly on the sequence of bases in the gene. Most of these RNAs, in turn, serve as templates for making other critical cellular molecules, proteins. The production of RNAs and proteins from a DNA blueprint is called ‘gene expression’“   Source:   (Weaver 2012, p. 30)

Further Content Awaiting Future Release

Sorry ! The reasons for this are due to the constraints we are currently under…

Baseline: rws_06_md_R01;B01


Ahern, K., 2019. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The Great Courses.

Weaver, R., 2012. Molecular biology. New York: McGraw-Hill.

  1. In view of DHRF’s commitment to support learning, there is a much higher “learning content” in the Research Work Streams than would otherwise be the case… Please be aware of that 

•  Updated: 19th August 2022 by David Husband  •  Created: 29th May 2022 by David Husband  •
Reviewed: t.b.d. by t.b.d.  •  Status: Awaiting Completion
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