RWS-11   The DNA Scheduler(s)

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Learning -> Resources Available, All Work is Subject to DHRF's "GD"

1 Important Note

Image#1 from Wikipedia by Mikael Häggström

So what we are seeing in the image above, is a clear “mapping” of human biological functionality over a long period of time - from zero to 22 years…

This is very well known scientifically, greatly studied, greatly observable and so is authoritative

So invoking DHRF’s “Governing Dynamics” Rules/Principles/MO…    GD (a)(1)Rule#2:

“If functionality can be observed, then there must be a mechanism somewhere to enable/implement that functionality…“

DNA’s Scheduler(s)

So somewhere in DNA there will be some “DNA Scheduler Mechanism(s)” lurking…

Scheduler? Yes !!

“In computing, scheduling is the action of assigning resources to perform tasks. [cut implementation detail !] Scheduling is fundamental to computation itself, and an intrinsic part of the execution model of a computer system; the concept of scheduling makes it possible to have computer multitasking with a single central processing unit (CPU)”    Wikipedia

A Scheduler is a very fundamental and vital part of an “event-driven” system”2
See: Appendix D, Page 22 of
And David Chips In which was Multitasking Windows on a ZX81 in 1983

So in Image#1, we can clearly see a number of slowly progressing stages/phases/states of human development. The start (and end) of each phase is “an event” which has to be “triggered” by a scheduler mechanism somewhere in the DNA… 3

But where, how? (How is it “clocked” ?)    GD (a)(1)Rule#(a)(c):

“Partition any analysis and other research efforts within the various “Problem Domains”…“

Further Content Awaiting Future Release

Sorry ! The reasons for this are due to the constraints we are currently under…

  1. In view of DHRF’s commitment to support learning, there is a much higher “learning content” in the Research Work Streams than would otherwise be the case… Please be aware of that 

  2. Which DH has been doing since 1988… 

  3. So, once again, functional equivalence with practices in software engineering… 

•  Updated: 4th May 2023 by David Husband  •  Created: 12th October 2022 by David Husband  •
Reviewed: t.b.d. by t.b.d.  •  Status: Awaiting Completion
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