STEM, STEAM & STEAM+ What is it ?
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What is STEM ?
“Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is a broad term used to group together these academic disciplines. This term is typically used to address an education policy or curriculum choices in schools. It has implications for workforce development, national security concerns (as a shortage of STEM-educated citizens can reduce effectiveness in this area) and immigration policy” Wikipedia
Science (Which contains many other sub-subjects)
What is STEAM ?
“STEAM fields are the areas of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics. STEAM is designed to integrate STEM subjects with arts subjects into various relevant education disciplines. These programs aim to teach students innovation, to think critically, and use engineering or technology in imaginative designs or creative approaches to real-world problems while building on students’ mathematics and science base. STEAM programs add THE ARTS to STEM curriculum by drawing on reasoning and design principles, and encouraging creative solutions” Wikipedia
The Arts within the context of STEM (as above)
And as part of The Arts range of subjects, Video Production and YouTube videos in particular are important topics…
YouTube as an important Learning Resource and More !!
Creating YouTube Videos is an important Learning Activity
BIC: Arts: AP APF APFU YouTube Videos
YouTube: Will Prowse
Will Prowse is a very inspirational, enthusiastic, honest young man who runs a very popular YouTube channel on the subject of solar power, the associated lithium batteries and everything else associated with this…
His channel has nearly 600,000 subscribers, his videos and honest evaluations and opinions are very popular and earn him a lot of money !!
He is a man who has overcome a toxic early family environment, medical problems and being homeless…
BIC: Will Prowse
What is STEAM+ ?
A DHRF idea; it is the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (“STEM”) and Arts (“STEAM”) subjects plus the extra subjects 1 highlighted below:
We need STEAM+ Volunteers
We are looking for volunteer Mentors and/or Oracles
“Catch-22” Again…
We need to obtain an ERA (Copyright) licence…
Is Traditional Schooling Broken ?
DHRF suggests that the Traditional School Teaching Model is broken and inappropriate for the needs of the modern world… Much more on this here:
DHRF’s Learning Policy 2
DHRF is NOT TEACHING anybody… DHRF has two objects as a Charitable Foundation. The second object is:
“To provide and maintain educational Internet Websites containing a variety of ‘learning-by-experience’ materials, etc, in order to encourage, enable and assist those who wish to teach themselves, with an emphasis on those who may be disadvantaged and/or gifted, and associated activities”
And any other future subjects that we can find Mentors and Oracles for… ↩
Something about David Husband, DHRF’s founder and director… ↩